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- ;**************************************************************
- ;* *
- ;* Digitized Voice Programmer's Toolkit *
- ;* ------------------------------------ *
- ;* *
- ;* Example memory-resident program *
- ;* *
- ;* Copyright (c) 1989, Farpoint Software *
- ;* *
- ;* *
- ;* This program monitors the state of the left shift key *
- ;* bit at absolute address 417h (bit 1). Upon detecting a *
- ;* zero to one transition of this bit, a voice announcement *
- ;* is initiated in the background. *
- ;* *
- ;**************************************************************
- .286
- shift_mask equ 02h
- extrn PVOICE_INIT:far
- extrn PVOICE_START:far
- extrn PVOICE_STATUS:far
- ;------------------------------------------------
- ;declare the VDATA segment here as well as in TSRVM.ASM
- ; so that the pointers to the beginning and end of the
- ; voice data can be properly accessed
- VDATA segment public 'VDATA'
- extrn _EVMSG:byte
- extrn _EVMSGLEN:byte
- VDATA ends
- ;------------------------------------------------
- .STACK 256
- ;------------------------------------------------
- count dd 0
- index dd 0
- pspseg dw 0
- prev db 0
- ;------------------------------------------------
- assume ds:DGROUP
- old_1C dd 0 ;this is in the code segment so
- ; that we can jump to the original
- ; user timer tick routine without
- ; inconvenient messing with the stack
- ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ;this is the user timer tick interrupt routine
- shift_check proc far
- push ds ;save all registers
- push es
- pusha
- mov ax,DGROUP
- mov ds,ax
- mov ax,40h
- mov es,ax
- mov al,es:[17h] ;address at which shift state is kept
- and al,shift_mask
- cmp al,prev ;has the bit changed?
- je shift_check_exit
- mov prev,al
- cmp al,shift_mask ;is it now a 1?
- jne shift_check_exit
- ;left shift has been pressed
- ;are we still playing message from last press?
- push ds
- push offset count
- push ds
- push offset index
- or ax,ax
- jnz shift_check_exit
- ;trigger voice message playback
- push VDATA ;block address
- push offset _EVMSG
- mov ax,offset _EVMSGLEN
- sub ax,offset _EVMSG
- push 0 ;block length
- push ax
- push 0 ;file read flag (MUST be zero!)
- push 0 ;handle
- push 0 ;data length
- push ax
- push 0 ;start position
- push 0
- call PVOICE_START ;do it
- shift_check_exit:
- popa ;restore all registers
- pop es
- pop ds
- jmp old_1C ;chain to previous holder of this vector
- shift_check endp
- ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ;Begin execution here
- start: mov ax,DGROUP ;set segment registers
- mov ds,ax
- mov ax,es
- mov pspseg,ax ;save PSP segment for later
- ;install voice playback routines
- ;get the original user timer tick vector
- mov ax,351Ch
- int 21h
- mov word ptr old_1C,bx
- mov word ptr old_1C+2,es
- ;set the vector to point to our routine
- push ds
- lea dx,shift_check
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- mov ax,251Ch
- int 21h
- pop ds
- ;terminate and stay resident
- mov dx,ss ;DOSSEG forces stack to last segment
- sub dx,pspseg ;compute amout of memory this occupies
- mov ax,3100h ;terminate and stay resident
- int 21h
- end start